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The Best Fragrance Launches of 2023 Smell So Delicious

From the launch of Perfume head at Holt Renfrew to Austin Butler’s role as the face of YSL’s latest fragrance, it’s been an exciting year for scent.

The Best Fragrance Launches of 2023 Smell So Delicious

From the launch of Perfume head at Holt Renfrew to Austin Butler’s role as the face of YSL’s latest fragrance, it’s been an exciting year for scent.

We’re nearing the end of 2023 and this year’s perfume launches have stirred up plenty of excitement. From revamped classics to niche scents inspired by memorable pop culture moments (more on that later), the world of fragrance has been in full bloom.

But what separates a good perfume from an absolute showstopper? It’s hard to say.

More often than not, a scent can unearth a fond memory or even remind you of a place you dream of visiting. Either way, trying on a new fragrance is like stepping into a time machine: it either takes you back or flings you forward.

Ready to go for a ride? Here, the best new perfumes of 2023, including scents from YSL, Tom Ford, Cartier and more. Plus, a few all-time favourite fragrances we fell in love with this year that stood the test of time.

Just a regular heading

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Nulla facilisi. Praesent diam leo, dapibus ultricies porta in, tincidunt eget augue. Curabitur rutrum maximus lacus, ut scelerisque ipsum porttitor et. In non fringilla justo. Pellentesque venenatis suscipit lacus. Sed non laoreet elit. Fusce vel tellus vulputate, dignissim turpis sit amet, aliquet mi. Etiam elementum, massa et fermentum viverra, odio ipsum gravida metus, at interdum tellus est eget mi.

” Etiam convallis faucibus elit, a viverra elit pellentesque eu. Maecenas tincidunt diam eu efficitur tincidunt. Morbi semper ipsum sit amet nibh maximus, sit amet tincidunt odio pulvinar. 


Praesent nulla facilisi. Praesent diam leo, dapibus ultricies porta in, tincidunt eget augue. Curabitur rutrum maximus lacus, ut scelerisque ipsum porttitor et. In non fringilla justo. Pellentesque venenatis suscipit lacus. Sed non laoreet elit. Fusce vel tellus vulputate, dignissim turpis sit amet, aliquet mi. Etiam elementum, massa et fermentum viverra, odio ipsum gravida metus, at interdum tellus est eget mi.

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